Eleria, Euskal Herriko Legelarien Aldizkaria

Euskararen Normalkuntzarako Legea Aztergai

Euskararen Normalkuntzarako Legea Aztergai

Author[s]: Zalbide, Mikel... [et al.]

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Since the Basque Parliament approved in 1982 the Law of Normalization of the the Basque Language, both the situation of this language and its circumstances have varied substantially. Thus, in July 1999, considering that it was a good moment to carry out an in-depth reflection on the matter as the Law was then 17 years old, a cycle of conferences was held in the Palace of Miramar in Donostia organised by Eusko Ikaskuntza and the IVAP. The contents of such conferences and their principal conclusions have been compiled in this monographic issue of Eleria devoted to that law: the development of the Law on Normalization of the Basque Language in its main areas (Communications, Administration, Justice and Education, among others) and the direction it should take, its gestation, the comparative point of view (linguistic rights in the world, in the European Union and in Catalonia), future lines (Revitalization Plan of the Basque Language, the Bai Euskarari campaign by Kontseilua), and the economic value of the language are the topics discussed, among others, in the present issue. Professors Joxerramon Bengoetxea and Itziar Alkorta have been responsible for this issue.




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