Ikusgaiak. Cuadernos de Cinematografía

Ikusgaiak. Cuadernos de Cinematografía

Ikusgaiak. Cuadernos de Cinematografía

Author[s]: AA.VV.

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Ikusgaiak. Cinematography Notebooks once again publishes its annual issue, which it maintains since the year 2000. In this occasion ample space is dedicated to research on cinematographic shows, a theme that is not usually dealt with by cinematographic historiography, although this journal has previously published articles on that topic. Thus, the first three articles study different, albeit complementary, matters like cinematographic shows in Pamplona between 1917 and 1939, while the fourth article concentrates on the province of Guipúzcoa during the first phase of crisis of cinema performances, from 1967 to 1977. The content is then completed by various analysis on the film El día de la bestia directed by Alex de la Iglesia, from Bilbao, and on Basque cinematographic production during 2003. Issue no. 7 of Ikusgaiak. Cinematography Notebooks concludes with its habitual sections on films, books and music.




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