Les recits mythologiques de la vallée d´Orozko (Biscaye)

Mountain, Society and Culture

Arana, Anuntzi

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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Once they analysed the mythical statements collected in Orozko from multiple perspectives, and their structure, semantic content and functions have been researched, and having compared them with the traditions of the neighbouring regions, we can draw some applicable conclusions to Basque Mythology as a whole. The author classifies the characters and explains the existing links between them. The way in which the autochtho-nous mythology has incorporated strange elements, how it has introduced them in their own structure and how the Christian characters have been altered. Upon exposing the links between myths the author appreciates the coherent system they conform by offering the functions of a religion. This comparison confirms that Basque mythology is not an island, and that it is located in Europe and that it is closely related with European mytho-logy
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