XX. mendeko baserritar familien berrantolakuntza, ezkontza, jaiotza eta heriotzaren arabera

Mountain, Society and Culture

Arrieta Urtizberea, Iñaki

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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During the 20th century, the peasant society will have to face new challenges. As a consequence of the industrialization it will have to reexamine and to reconstruct its characteristics, strategies and customary resources to answer to the new situation. In the following pages that continue one aspect of such a dynamic will be analysed, with special attention being paid to the Basque hamlet. A part of the complexity of this organization will be examined ; this being mainly the dynamics traced by the transformation of marriages, births and deaths, from a demographic perspective. This transformation should also be placed within the framework of that undergone by society as a whole. Throughout the article, the reader will be able to perceive the difficulties and obstacles that Basque farmers experience in reproducing their social group
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