Artitz, Documentation Center of the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao

Development of the documentation center for exhibitions at the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao.

Thematic area
Socio-cultural reality
Cultural management
In progress

%u200B The website, called Artitz, contains all the documentation (texts, audio guides, magazine articles, catalogues, etc.) generated on all the modern and contemporary art exhibitions organised by the museum since its creation.

Artitz. Guggenheim Museum

Thanks to the exhaustive documentary work carried out by Eusko Ikaskuntza, who brings to the project its experience and knowledge of the Basque language, documentation and technology, Artitz brings to life the artistic and linguistic heritage that the Museum has been developing.

The online centre for documentation and artistic content in Basque, Artitz, compiles the content created around its exhibitions over 21 years of history on a pioneering platform. It is a living tool that is fed by materials in Basque related to current and past exhibitions, and which will gradually integrate those of future shows.

This platform is designed to contain the most significant media that have been created over the years, such as exhibition catalogues and selected essays from them; the acoustic guides written for the exhibitions with explanations about specific works in them; the texts placed in the exhibition rooms to convey to the observer questions of interest regarding the selection of works; the educational content that complements the content presented in the rooms, which abounds in different aspects or points of view about the pieces on display; or the aspects integrated into the microsites that the Museum creates on the occasion of each exhibition.

Artitz is located on the Guggenheim Museum Bilbao website and has a clean and attractive design, and its navigation is visual and intuitive. This fact, together with the configuration of the contents at various levels of depth, allows the use of Artitz by both specialist users and simple enthusiasts, constituting a particularly useful consultation tool for professionals and students in the artistic and academic fields.

Artitz Dokumentazio Zentroa / Erakusketak