nUMBER 43 · 1998Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 43, 2

Publication year:
Publication place:
Monreal Zia, Gregorio... [et al.]


With its management team renewed and its headquarters now located in Pamplona, the International Magazine of Basque Studies (Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos - R.I.E.V.) starts a new cycle with its latest issue (43.1), directed by the Professor of Law History, Mr. Gregorio Monreal, from the Public University of Navarre. The magazine, founded in 1907, pretends to be one of the supports of the internationalisation of Basque culture, adapting its contents to the demands of the scientific community. With this purpose in mind, a new section has been incorporated. This section, as of this number, will inform biannually on all the doctoral theses defended in the Universities of the Basque Country. In this occasion, the first part of the chapter includes a list of 428 theses and, in a second part, more information is provided on 27 of them which are specifically centred on Basque culture. On the other hand, in accordance with its multidisciplinary vocation R.I.E.V. maintains its character as a forum for the exposition of ideas and theories. The customary "Tribuna" section, for example, in this volume is a monographic on the topic of America and the Basques. The motions collect the projects unveiled in the seminar which was organised with the same last year by Eusko Ikaskuntza. This section is completed with an exhaustive study on the character of the bibliography produced in relation to this topic. Finally, this issue also includes the well-known Reseña (review) and Noticia (news) sections. The former includes commentaries on fifteen books and the latter scans some of the most outstanding activities promoted by Eusko Ikaskuntza in the period covered by this issue.