nUMBER 48 · 2003Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 48, 2

Publication year:
Publication place:
527-978 p. : il. ; 24 cm.
Jacob, James E. ... [et al.]


In issue no. 48, 2 (2003, 2) of the International Journal of Basque Studies (Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos - RIEV), the articles published in the Tribuna section cover the main fields of Basque culture and society: James Jacob approaches a theme that hits the headlines, which is none other than terrorism; after the death of sculptor Jorge Oteiza, Pedro Manterola has written an article on his work, and Juan Plazaola presents the eighth delivery of the series on the History of Art in Vasconia (Historia del Arte de Vasconia) corresponding to the Renaissance period. Mari Jose Olaziregi, in her article, approaches the Diaspora aspect of the novel by Bernardo Atxaga Esos cielos (Tose skies) and, finally, Lourdes Soria and Maite Lafourcade, continue with the series of articles on the History of Vasconia, with works on the institutional history of the Basque Country and Iparralde during the Modern Age, respectively. Carmen Echevarría, José Mª Barrutia and Itziar Aguado present us with bibliographical novelties in Economics in the Basque Autonomous Community and in the Statutory Community of Navarre, in this case ¡corresponding to the year 2003. Also, we shall find the Reseña section -where there are critiques on the latest and most noteworthy publications on Basque themes -, Tesis - the list of doctoral theses read in universities in Vasconia and the commentary of those on Basque culture -, and Noticia -with the latest and most relevant news in EI-BSS and in the Basque Country.