nUMBER 52 · 2007Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 52, 1

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia : Eusko Ikaskuntza, 2007
305 p. : il. ; 24 cm.
Cierbide Martinena, Ricardo...[et al.]


The five works that the International Journal of Basque Studies (Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos, RIEV), publishes in its issue 52, 1 (2007) in the Tribune section, cover quite a diversity of themes: linguist Ricardo Cierbide has extracted some extensive material related with the use of wine and other derivates, like spirits, for curative remedies as they are presented in various medieval texts on medicine; Maïté Lafourcade analyses the survival of traditional forms of Basque law, with special attention being paid to the territories of Iparralde, as against the unification brought about by Roman type law; Melgarejo, Arcelus and Simon deal with the case of companies that are the property of the workers, the success of which occasionally went against the prognoses made by economic theory; María Nagore shows how, at the end of the 19th century and at the beginning of the 20th century, music, in its more social sense (hymns and choirs) played a noteworthy role in the political positionings of those times; and lastly, sculptor Miguel Sánchez-Ostiz reveals firsthand some of the more personal keynotes of his original and confrontational work. The Reseña section includes commented references of works that are directly related with Vasconia and also of other works of a more general character, like the important work by Elliott on the Atlantic world. In the Noticia section, there is news on two aspects of our heritage: the historical buildings of Bizkaia and the renewal and divulgational reuse of old ironsmith workshops in the Basque Autonomous Community. Details are also provided on the laborious recovery of the Municipal Archives of Bilbao after the 1983 floods that affected them so much; and homage is made to the great historian Micaela Portilla, who recently passed away, with the chronicle of the Conferences held in memoriam.