GizarteLAB Irun y Hernialde: nuevos retos para finalizar el año



GizarteLAB Irun y Hernialde: nuevos retos para finalizar el año

The main challenges of the new programmes are generational change and intercultural inclusion in Iran's associations, strengthening community culture and establishing roots in the town of Hernialde.

The programme, which began last year in Irun, continues with workshops that will be held between November and December at the Irun Factory space in the border city.

During the six workshops of this second phase, the initial group will be reinforced with new members; people from different associations, ages, backgrounds and interests, who will try to weave networks of mutual support, while creating a citizen community that seeks creative solutions to the problems of the associative environment.

In the small town of Hernialde, however, the first phase of GizarteLAB will be addressed with the challenge of reinforcing community culture and encouraging the population to settle down. During the four workshops that end on December 9, an attempt will be made to design the town that is desired and the skills and tools necessary to achieve it will be worked on. The difficulties faced by adidas, in this case, are a very aging population and the uprooting of the residents, both factors accentuated by the geographical dispersion of the neighborhoods.

With these actions, the GizarteLAB programme, promoted by the Provincial Council of Gipuzkoa and with the collaboration of the Town Councils involved, will have carried out this year the three phases that make up the programme: the first phase of initiation and awareness, the phase of community building and design of initiatives, and the third phase of implementation and transmission of the programme.

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