Within the framework of the international conference "Sovereignty conflicts in Europe: bases for a solution", organised by Eusko Ikaskuntza and the Institute of Catalan Studies, some bases for the elaboration of a code of good practices have been presented which aim to strengthen the European project and the links citizens and territories.
The international conference "Territorial sovereignty conflicts in Europe: towards a code of good practices", organised by Eusko Ikaskuntza and the Institute of Catalan Studies, in collaboration with a score of entities from the Basque Country, Catalonia and Europe, was held from 11th to 13th November, online and in semi-presential format the last of these days in Azkuna Zentroa, Bilbao.
With the participation of a broad panel of academic, institutional and socio-political experts of international renown, the forum has contributed to reflections on the common European project, its articulation and democratisation, starting with an analysis of the current context with a view to implementing new resolution scenarios. Specifically, the discussions revolved around three main themes: What is territorial sovereignty conflict? Why should Europe intervene? and How should it intervene?
In the session on Friday 13th November, representatives of the foundations and entities that promote the initiative were present: Rubén Cela from Galiza Semper Foundation, Floren Aoiz from Iratzar Fundazioa, David Minoves from CIEMEN, Gemma Ubasart and Xavier Domènech from Sobiranies, Francesc Llobet from Fundació Sobirania i Justícia, Ferran Requejo and Mireia Grau from the Institut d'Estudis de l'Autogovern and Lluís Pérez from Fundació Josep Irla.
In that session the document The bases for the elaboration of a code of good practices in the resolution of territorial sovereignty conflicts was presented. The text, analytical and propositional in nature, notes the existence at the present time in the world and in Europe of conflicts which are not the residue of a distant past. Such conflicts are expressions of demands which must be channelled through contemporary democratic instruments and resolved with scrupulous respect for human rights; even more so as they affect individual and collective rights which transcend state borders and concern the international community.
Admitting that there are no simple solutions, the document points to the need to determine international standards in this area, along the lines of those already existing in other . An important step towards this goal would be the development of codes of good practice for conflict resolution - as the bases for their elaboration now presented in a first draft - a task that various institutions within the European framework could take on.
In conclusion, the transnational group promoting the Bases for the elaboration of a code of good practices in the resolution of territorial sovereignty conflicts expresses its conviction that these actions, if put into practice, would strengthen the Community project insofar as they affect its founding values and contribute to its stability by providing the European institutional architecture with a of governance that would strengthen links citizens and territories.
Personnes expertes qui ont participé aux bases pour l’élaboration d’un code de bonnes pratiques pour la gestion démocratique des conflits territoriaux de souveraineté:
ALÁEZ, Benito (Universidad de Oviedo-Universidá d’Uviéu)
ALBERTÍ, Enoch (Universitat de Barcelona)
BARANDIARAN, Xabier (Universidad de Deusto-Deustoko Unibertsitatea)
BARCELÓ, Mercè (Universitat Autonoma de Barcelona)
BASTIDA FREIXEDO, Xacobe (Universidad de Oviedo-Universidá d’Uviéu)
BOBER, Sergiusz (ECMI: European Centre for minority Issues)
BOIX, Carles (University of Princeteon)
BOSSACOMA, Pau (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
CAGIAO, Jorge (Université de Tours)
CARRIL VAZQUEZ, Xose Manuel (Universidade da Coruña)
CASAÑA-ADAMS, Elisenda (University of Edinburgh)
DELLA PORTA, Donatella (Scuola Normale Superiore)
DOMÈNECH, Xavier (Universitat Autonoma Barcelona)
DORDEVI´C-VIDOJKOVI´C, Ljubica (ECMI: European Centre for Minority Issues)
ERRASTI, Ander (Institut d’Estudis d’lAutogovern)
EZEIZABARRENA, Xabier (Universidad de Deusto-Deustoko Unibertsitatea)
FERRAIUOLO, Gennaro (Università degli Studi di Napoli Federico II)
GAGNON, Alain (Université du Québec à Momtréal)
GIBERNAU, Montserrat (University of Cambridge)
GRAU, Mireia (IEA)
KEATING, Michael (Centre on Constitutional Change- University of Aberdeen)
KRAUS, Peter (Universitát Augsburg University)
LEVRAT, Nicolas (Université de Genève)
MANCINI, Susanna (University of Bologna)
McEWEN, Nicola (Centre on Constitutional Change -University of Edinburgh)
MARCELLI, Fabio (CNRko Instituto di Studi Giuridici Internazionale)
MARGIOTTA, Costanza (Università degli Studi di Padova)
NIKOLAS, Zelai (Eusko Legebiltzarra)
PALERMO, Francesco (University of Verona)
PAYERO LÓPEZ, Lucía (Universidad de Oviedo-Universidá d’Uviéu)
PIÑOL, Elixabete (Jurista)
PETTAI, Vello (ECMI: European Centre for minority Issues)
QVUORTRUP, Matt (Coventry University)
RUIZ VIEYTEZ, Eduardo (Universidad de Deusto-Deustoko Unibertsitatea)
SAENZ DE ROZAS, Rafael (Jurista)
SAUCA CANO, José María (Universidad Carlos III)
SERRANO BALAGUER, Ivan (Internet Interdisciplinari Institut)
SKOUTARIS, Nikos (University of East Anglia)
SOBRINO, Joseba (Jurista)
VAN WALT VAN PRAAG, Michael (Kreddha)
VERGÉS, Joan (Universitat de Girona)
VILAJOSANA, Josep Maria (Universitat Pompeu Fabra)
VINTRÓ, Joan (Universitat de Barcelona)
WATERS, Timothy (Indiana University)