1. Work will be unedited, which means it will not have been published in its totality or partially. Translations are not allowed. The articles will not be paid.
2. It can be submitted in any of the international scientific community’s languages, but especially in the Basque Country’s three official languages.
3. All work submitted will be presented to Editing Board of the magazine for their consideration and will be sent to, at least, two external assessors for their evaluation.
4. The original must be presented electronically, in word format (which can be in either PC or Macintosh format), Arial size 10 font, single-spaced, no space paragraphs and 2.5 cm margins to the left, right, bottom and top.
5. The length of articles is recommended to be about 7,000-10,000 words for clarification in the Science Articles section. For the Insight section, a length of 4,000-6,000 words is required. All pages must be numbered, including notes and figures.
6. The title page will contain:
- The title in lower-case (in less than eight words, complimented if necessary with a subtitle).
- Its translation into English
- The two surnames and name of the author or authors (in the case of a second name only the initial)
- Professional affiliation, address including e-mail (university, investigation bodies, etc…, is the address that appears on the publication)
- Personal contact information, address, telephone fax, e-mail, in case they differ from the professional affiliation
- Curriculum of the author of less than 120 words
- Completion date of the work.
7. Works will be accompanied by a summary that will not exceed 60 words. Keywords will also be included (no more than eight) in order of their importance.
8. For a correct layout of the text, it will be divided into three perfectly differentiated parts, using solely Arabic numerals and in consecutive numbered levels 1. (Upper case bold), 1.1. (Lower-case bold), 1.1.1. (Lower-case), (Lowercase italics). They must not be mixed with Roman numerals or letters.
9. The illustrations, graphics, tables, etc. will be presented in electronic format (png, jpg format at 300 ppp resolution minimum). These images must have permission to reproduce.
The illustrations will be numbered sequentially in a single series and preceded by the word “Figure" (or its abbreviation), with the corresponding note or legend indicating its location in the text. A separate page will contain a relation of all the illustrations indicating: 1. number of the figure, 2. note or legend, 3. date taken, 4. author, 5. source (archive, publication, etc.), 6. publication’s authorization (in the case where it is not the author’s).
The graphics and tables will be inserted into word. To create the tables, tabs must not be used, but instead the program's table option must be used.
10. The quotes will be in inverted commas and integrated into the text when they are less than two lines. For longer quotes, a smaller font size must be used, separating them from the paragraph and indented.
11. The notes will be numbered sequentially in Arabic numerals and will be located at the foot of the page when they are explanatory notes and at the end of the work in the case of bibliographic references.
12. Bibliographical references are to be compiled in accordance with the APA norms:
- MCLUHAN, M. (1964). Understanding media: The extensions of man. Nueva York: McGraw Hill.
- FROMM, E.; SUZUKI, D.T. (1981). Budismo, zen y psicoanálisis. Madrid: Fondo de Cultura Económica.
- VILLA SÁNCHEZ, A. (Coord.). (1988). Perspectivas y problemas de la función docente. Madrid: Narcea.
When the consulted version is a translation or a later edition:
- OLSON, D. (1997). La escritura y la mente (tra. G. Sánchez). In J. V. Wertsch, P. del Río & A. Álvarez (Ed.), La mente sociocultural (77-97 pp.). Madrid: Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje. [V.O.: Writing and the mind. In J. V. Wertsch, P. del Río & A. Álvarez (Eds.), Sociocultural Studies of Mind (95-123 pp.). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press, 1995].
When the book used is the original version but we also know of a version in our language:
- OLSON, D. (1995). Writing and the mind. In J. V. Wertsch, P. del Río & A. Álvarez (Eds.), Sociocultural Studies of Mind (95-123 pp.). Cambridge, MA: Cambridge University Press. [Tra. es. G. Sánchez: La escritura y la mente. In J. V. Wertsch, P. del Río & A. Álvarez (Ed.), La mente sociocultural (77-97 pp.). Madrid: Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje, 1997].
When the reference is part of a bigger bibliographical unit:
- Chapters of books
- MCLAUGHLIN, M. (1988). Ambientes institucionales que favorecen la motivación y la productividad de los profesores. En A. Villa (Ed.) Perspectivas y problemas de la función docente (pp.29-45). Madrid: Narcea.
- Articles
- CARRETERO, M.; POZO, J. I.; ASENSIO, M. (1983). Comprensión de conceptos históricos durante la adolescencia. Infancia y Aprendizaje, 23, 55-74.
- GIRAS, R. (8 de octubre de 2005). “Bullying”, marca de prestigio. El Mundo, p. 36.
When there are more than four authors, it is best to add “et al.” after the first author’s name.
- Entries in Encyclopaedias:
- DEUTSCH, D.; GABRIELSSON, A. y otros (2001). Psychology of music. En S. Sadie y J. Tyrrel (Eds.). The New Grove Dictionary of Music and Musicians (2ª ed.) (vol. 20, pp. 527-562). New York: Macmillan publishers limited.
References to documents disseminated in the Internet, in sources that are liable to suffer modification, the date of the latest revision is to be set as the date of publication, and in the quote reference will be made to the late in which the text was consulted. The elements of the electronic address should not be separated by spaces, nor should the addresses end with a full stop.
- BRAVO TOLEDO, R. (1996). Gestores personales de bases de datos bibliográficos. En línea en http://usuarios.bitmailer.com/rafabravo/pbs.htm
- WINNER, J.E. (2006). Raymond Scott. Consulta, 7 enero 2006, en línea en http://raymondscott.com
Audiovisual documents (films, videos, …): Director. (year). Title. [type of document]. Place: Distributor.
- DISNEY, W. (Director). (1928). Steamboat Willie. [Película]. Estados Unidos: Celebrity Productions Inc.
- DICKSON, W.K.L. (Director); EDISON, Th . (Productor). (1894). El estornudo de Fred Ott. [Película]. Estados Unidos: Edison Film Company.
13. Articles are published under license BY-NC-SA 4.0 Creative Commons.
14. It is considered necessary to comply with these regulations to publish any work.