Organized by the European parliamentary groups GUE/ENGL (The Left in theEuropean Parliament) and RE (Renew Europe) with Eusko Ikaskuntza as scientificpartner, the main objective of this conference is to present the latest version of the document of the bases for the resolution of territorial sovereignty conflicts promoted by Eusko Ikaskuntza and the Institut d'Estudis Catalans and to receive contributions from civil society with the aim of presenting it at the Conference on the Future of Europe(CoFoE). The document is the result of a collaborative process in which more than 80internationally recognised experts in the field took part.
In order to contextualise, understand the basic document for the resolution of territorial sovereignty conflicts, receive contributions and assess the opportunities that the European Union eco offers for the implementation of a European framework of clarity, the conference will be structured in three panels with spaces for dialogue and the collection of contributions through participatory dynamics:
1. Democratic management of sovereignty conflicts in the state, European and global context. Contributions to the Conference on the Future of Europe (CoFoE).
Reflection on the current political context and the desirability of promoting a framework of clarity as a contribution both to the European rule of law and to the resolution of internal sovereignty conflicts in states from an academic perspective with comparative theoretical contributions and dialogue on the contribution that the European Union could make to the democratic resolution of sovereignty conflicts in European states.
2. Towards a European clarity framework. Contents of the document of the bases.
The main keys of the document of the bases for a European clarity framework promoted and worked on by Eusko Ikaskuntza and the Institut d'Estudis Catalans will be presented. A structured-participatory dialogue will be opened in order to gather contributions and the emphasis of civil society on the most relevant aspects of the basic document.
3. Instrumental dimension: on the implementation of a framework of clarity in European institutions.
The opportunities that the European Union eco offers for the implementation of a European framework of clarity for the resolution of territorial conflicts will be assessed.
After the contextualisation from an academic perspective, the debate will be opened with a round table discussion with MEPs.