Solasaldiak: Juan Mari Beltrán and Errege Belda
The 2024 Lekuona Award winner talks in front of the cameras with the music teacher and accordionist.

Conference on teachers as agents of change
Conferences and lectures
On November 16, in a conference organized in collaboration with the Department of Education of the Basque Government, around 140 education professionals met to reflect on the role of teachers, analyzing local and international experiences.

La remise des Prix de la Ville de Bayonne aura lieu le 20 décembre
As every year, Eusko Ikaskuntza and the city of Baiona will jointly present three awards to outstanding cultural and research agents. The event will take place at 18:30 in the assembly hall of Baiona City Hall.

Curso de creación de páginas web libres
Corporate news
Jaime de los Ríos ha dirigido una sesión sobre la plataforma digital HotGlue en la Facultad de Informática de la Universidad del País Vasco.

Vasconia. Cuadernos de Historia-Geografía, 48
El nuevo número de Vasconia. Cuadernos de Historia-Geografía, en edición online, presenta tres estudios sobre aspectos históricos y sociales de Euskal Herria.

Miren Arzallus, Directora General de Guggenheim Bilbao
Our members
La historiadora del Arte y socia de Eusko Ikaskuntza ha sido elegida por su “amplia experiencia en gestión institucional y relaciones internacionales”.

I Programa de Fomento y Apoyo a la Investigación
Kultura.eus. Radio Euskadi

Bilbao 1874. El asedio carlista a la invicta villa
La mecánica del caracol. Radio Euskadi

Juan Mari Beltran Argiñena, Manuel Lekuona 2024 Prize from Eusko Ikaskuntza
The award recognizes the founder of Soinuenea-Herri Musikaren Txokoa for his work in recovering, safeguarding and transmitting traditional musical heritage.

Gregorio Monreal, Pete T. Cenarrusa Award
Our members
The Pete T. Cenarrusa Foundation for Basque Culture in Idaho (USA) has recognized the career of the former President of Eusko Ikaskuntza between 1992 and 1996.
Showing results 41 to 50 of 3880.