
Hacia un sistema consensuado de cuidados

Hacia un sistema consensuado de cuidados



Desde 2019, Eusko Ikaskuntza trabaja por el conocimiento y el fortalecimiento de los Modelos de Bienestar en Euskal Herria como palanca para la cohesión social y territorial.

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Sistema educativo: trabajando el futuro en común. Foro de confluencia

Sistema educativo: trabajando el futuro en común. Foro de confluencia



Se han trabajado líneas estratégicas y propuestas de colaboración, definiendo los conocimientos, alianzas y tipos de relaciones a construir que se requerirán para llevarlas a cabo.

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With an eye on Small Town commerce

With an eye on Small Town commerce



After a year of research, Eusko Ikaskuntza is about to conclude the research focused on the study and promotion of commerce in small municipalities.

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Mutiloarras taking care of each other: GizarteLAB 2024

Mutiloarras taking care of each other: GizarteLAB 2024



After the first phase of the program that took place in 2023, Mutiloa has recently completed the second phase.

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Sistema educativo: trabajando el futuro en común. Foro de confluencia

Sistema educativo: trabajando el futuro en común. Foro de confluencia



Confluence forum for the search for shared proposals.

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Commercial transformation in small towns: progress and strategies

Commercial transformation in small towns: progress and strategies



Inmerso en el diagnóstico cualitativo, actualmente el proyecto está enfocado en identificar de manera precisa las necesidades comerciales específicas de los municipios pequeños de Euskadi.

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Basque identity(ies) in the 21st century: what do we mean when we talk about Basque identity?

Basque identity(ies) in the 21st century: what do we mean when we talk about Basque identity?



Identifying, collecting and analyzing the ways of understanding, living or defining the Basque identity have been the starting point of this research project.

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Cultural Rights: drawing conclusions

Cultural Rights: drawing conclusions



Since 2022 Eusko Ikaskuntza has been working on how to guarantee and make Cultural Rights effective in a linguistic and cultural context as peculiar as the Basque one.

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Transis Lab: longevity and quality of life in rural areas

Transis Lab: longevity and quality of life in rural areas



On February 29 in Vitoria-Gasteiz, the Transis Lab project for social innovation on longevity in rural areas 2024-2026 was presented.

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Analyzing the shared values of Navarrese citizens

Analyzing the shared values of Navarrese citizens



The project has entered the second phase of research and after the qualitative analysis it is now immersed in quantitative research.

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Showing results 1 to 10 of 199.