Baskische Mythologie und Frauendarstellung. Der Einfluss der baskischen Mythologie auf die Konstruktion des Frauenbildes in Dolores Redondo Trilogía del Báztan

Times of crisis, like the current one, lead to a rediscovery of traditions and old beliefs which, in the Basque context, include mythology, in which a mother goddess reigns over a multitude of mythical beings. The resulting hypotheses of an ancestral Basque matriarchy inspired Dolores Redondo to write her Baztan Trilogy in 2013. This article examines the influence of Basque mythology on the image of women in the novels, both in the symbolic construction and in the social status of women.



Image of women. Basque mythology. Feminism. Literature and women. Baztan triology. Dolores Redondo.