nUMBER 59 · 2014Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 59, 1

Publication year:
252 p. : il. ; 24 cm.
Aparicio Rosilloi, Susana [et al.]


The first volume of RIEV No. 59 (2014) features six articles in the section Tribuna. Izaskun Gracia presents a study in Basque language on the new Basque poetry of the 21st century. Marco Ceccarelli reflects on the new forms of Cultural Heritage, and Daniel Muriel on the ?Experts in identity construction through cultural Heritage?, paying attention to the Basque and Catalan cases. The economist M? Carmen Gallastegui, winner of the Eusko Ikaskuntza-Laboral Kutxa 2013 award, deals with some of the main challenges of our time in the article ?In search of the true, the useful and the advisable?. Susana Aparicio examines ?The cabin of religious orders in the Pyrenees?, and Gerardo Fernández Juárez recounts a witchcraft case in 17th-century Colombia, comparing it to the events of Zugarramurdi in the same period. Three pieces of news and six book reviews complete the issue.