nUMBER 63 · 2018Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 63, 1-2

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BIBLID [0212-7016 (2018), 63, 1-2: 282]
Price, not member:
14 €
Price, member:
8 €
Ramos, Emiliana [et al.]


The new issue opens with the obituary of the philologist Ricardo Cierbide Martinena, who died early 2018. The text is signed by Emiliana Ramos, co-author and close collaborator of Professor Cierbide in numerous research projects. Five articles are grouped in the Tribune section. Professor Humberto Bustice discusses the revolution of artificial intelligence and data; Igor Calzada writes in English about the concept of "intelligent citizenship"; two contrasting contributions, but common to the literary field, come from David Colbert, on the Civil War in Basque fiction, and Haritz Monreal, on mountain literature in the Basque Country; finally, in Basque, Loreto Susperregi reflects on industry as a driving force for transformation. As always, a series of News and Reviews complete issue 63 of RIEV.