- Publication year:
- 2004
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- 0212-7016
Issue 49, 2 (2004, 2) of the International Journal of Basque Studies (Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos - RIEV), includes in its Tribuna section, some articles reference to certain very diverse fields of Basque society and culture: Igor Ahedo and Eguzki Urteaga centre their articles on Iparralde, analysing the Basque language spoken there and the press there respectively; Gerardo Luzuriaga studies the situation of Basque libraries; Mari Jose Olaziregi analyses La obsesión de Rossetti, the novel written by Ramón Saizarbitoria. Carlos Roldán shows us the situation of contemporary Basque cinema and, finally, Fernando Mikelarena contributes a new article to his series on the History of Vasconia, on the contemporary history of Navarre. Carmen Echebarria, José M? Barrutia and Itziar Aguado present a new set of bibliographic novelties about Economy in the Basque Autonomous Community and in the Statutory Community of Navarre corresponding to the year 2004. Besides, we shall find the habitual sections: Reseña - where there are critiques on the latest publications on Basque matters-, Tesis -the list of doctoral theses defended in the Universities in Vasconia with commentaries on those related to Basque culture-, and Noticia -with the most important news from the Basque Studies Society and from the Basque Country-.