- Publication year:
- 2006
- Publication place:
- Donostia : Eusko Ikaskuntza, 2006
- Characteristics:
- 0212-7016
- Authors:
- Lazkano, Jesús Mari...[et al.]
In its issue no. 51.2 (2006.2) the International Journal of Basque Studies (RIEV) publishes in its Tribuna section five works that are directly related with the Basque Country or with matters that, on a wider international framework, have an incidence on the Basque Country: artist Jesús Mari Lazkano exhibits in great detail the themes and concerns that are to be found behind his work as a painter; Juan Aguirre analyses from a historical perspective the dynamic movement of Basque independent theatre in the 1969-1984 period; Javier Echeverria examines how the Basque shipbuilding industry has managed to keep up its competitiveness thanks to the conception of advanced shipbuilding technologies; Frank Schulze introduces two novels by German exiled writers, the plots of which are situated in the Spanish Civil War, with special attention being paid to Los niños de Gernika (The Children of Gernika - 1939) by Hermann Kesten, on the bombing of Gernika by the Kondor Legion; and finally Henri Motte reconstructs the history of the economic and fishing conflict between Canada and Europe before and after the capture of the ship "Estai" in 1995. In the Reseña section there is commentary on various books on the most varied themes; in the Tesis section there is a list of the doctoral theses read in the universities of Vasconia over the first semester of 2006, and in the Noticia section comments are made on the exhibition of industrial cod fishing in Newfoundland; the declaration of the well-known "Hanging Bridge" as part of the Patrimony of Humanity and its history; a profile of Leopoldo Zugaza coinciding with his designation as Honorary Member of Eusko Ikaskuntza; and the current state of the endeavour of publishing all of the Minutes of the Parliaments (Juntas Generales) of Álava, Gipuzkoa and Bizkaia, which is still under way.