- Publication year:
- 2016
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- 238 p. : il. ; 24 cm
- 0212-7016
- Price, not member:
- 14 €
- Price, member:
- 8 €
- Authors:
- Diaz Bizkarguenaga, Koldo [et al.]
The first issue of volume 61 (2016) includes five essays in the Tribuna section: K. Díaz Bizkarguenaga analyses the concept of a digital country to understand Basque identity, community and society built on geographical as well as symbolic borders; L. Garmendia and A. Azpiroz, present their study of how psychological factors affect health; the German philosopher Petsche defends the representativeness of philosophical thought and the focus on limits in Philosophy; the team led by L. V. Sánchez, addresses quality of life related to health; and the Efimec research group delves into ethical and variable decision-making models that could be considered in ethical decision-making and ethical behaviour. The issue is completed with three News items and six Reviews.