- Publication year:
- 2024
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- Characteristics:
- BIBLID [0212-7016; eISSN: 2953-4180 (2024), 69, 1]
- 0212-7016; eISSN: 2953-4180
- DOI:
- https://doi.org/10.61879/riev691
- Authors:
- Barreiro Carril, Beatriz [et al.]
The International Journal of Basque Studies, RIEV, vol. 69, 1, presents a variety of articles addressing relevant topics related to Basque culture and other issues of academic interest. These articles cover a wide range of topics from human rights and cultural identity to sport, literature and film, offering a rich and varied perspective on contemporary Basque studies.
B. Barreiro Carril, examines how the human rights of migrants are affected by hate speech in Spain, analysing how international norms and standards apply in this context. P. Juaristi Larrinaga, reflects on the future of Basque identity(ies) in the 21st century, exploring social representations of Basque identity and setting goals towards the year 2050. J. Martínez-Abajo, M. T. Vizcarra, G. Lasarte, and A. Tresserras, analyse the dual career perceptions of high-level sportswomen, exploring how they manage their sports career and their education simultaneously. H. Monreal Zarraonandia studies Miguel de Unamuno's love of mountaineering, placing it in its historical context and exploring the sources that influenced this facet of his life. P. Populin, examines how Basque tradition and identity are represented through symbols in Basque cinema, analysing films that explore these themes. E. Santazilia and R. Urrizola study two collections of 19th century bertsos in Navarre, specifically the Udabe and Doneztebe collections. L. Zalakain Trianni carries out a comparative socio-economic study of naming patterns in minority languages in the 20th century, comparing Scotland and the Basque Country.
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