nUMBER 1 · 2007RIEV. Cuadernos, 1. El esfuerzo de tres épocas. Centenario de la RIEV 1907-2007

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252 p. : il. ; 24 cm. - (RIEV. Cuadernos ; 1)


The Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos, (International Journal on Basque Studies ? RIEV), turned 100 years old in 2007 and in order to commemorate this, Basque studies conferences were held in the Kursaal Hall in San Sebastian in April. The speeches delivered there, together with others that were specifically written for publication unknown published in the special issue of RIEV notebooks, a new publication without regular publishing dates that will periodically include materials that cover a specific theme. After the presentation by the Chair of the Society, Javier Retegui, the diverse presence and importance of the various areas of knowledge throughout the years within the Journal are then subjected to analysis in the works that follow. Various authors review the treatment afforded to the Sciences, the Economy and Technology, Linguistics, Psychology, Anthropology and Folklore, Basque Studies, Geography, Literature, Art and History, respectively. The context in which other publications on humanities exist in English or in French is also explored.