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Egileen inguruan / Sobre los autores y las autoras / About the authors (Vol. 67, 2)
About the authors (Vol. 67, 2)
Echeverría, Javier
Until his retirement, Javier Echeverria (1948, Pamplona) was a researcher at the Basque Science Foundation (Ikerbasque), and university professor at the UPV/EHU. His main areas of research have been the philosophy of science and technology; the ethics of science; the study of the relationships between science, technology and society; and new information and communication technologies.
Among his books: Telépolis (1994); Cosmopolitas Domésticos (1995); Telépolis y el Tercer Entorno (1999); Introducción a la Metodología de la Ciencia: la Filosofía de la Ciencia en el siglo XX (1999); Ciencia del bien y el mal (2007), and La Luz de la Luciérnaga: Diálogos de Innovación Social (with Ander Gurrutxaga, 2012) He was recipient of the 1995 Anagram Essay Award, 1997 Euskadi Research Award, 2000 National Essay Award awarded by the Ministry of Culture for his work: Los Señores del Aire, and the 2016 Eusko Ikaskuntza-Laboral Kutxa Award.
Ugalde, Jesus M.
Jesus M. Ugalde (1957, Bergara) is professor of Physical Chemistry at the University of the Basque Country. He graduated and obtained his doctorate in Chemistry at the University of Valladolid (1984). He was post-doctoral fellow at Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, in 1984; Dalhousie University in Canada in 1986 and 1989; and Cornell University in 1992. Throughout his career, Jesus M. Ugalde has authored over 200 scientific publications. He is a member of the editorial boards of Scientific Reports, since 2015, and Computation since 2013.
He is recipient of the following awards: Outstanding PhD Thesis Award (1985); Killam Post-Doctoral Fellow Award, Halifax, Canada (1989); International Scientific Research Award, NSERC, Canada (1990); X. M. Munibe Research Award, Basque Parliament (1997); Euskadi Research Award, Basque Government (2003); Fellow of Jakiunde (2007).
Goméz Pin, Víctor
Victor Gómez Pin (Barcelona, 1944) read Philosophy at the Sorbonne. He was made Docteur d’ État for his thesis on Aristotelian order. He is a Professor Emeritus at the Autonomous University of Barcelona, and full member of Jakiunde.
In 1979 worked on the creation of an interdisciplinary department at the UPV/EHU, and was the founder of the Philosophy Department. He invited professors such as Pierre Aubenque, Jacques Derrida, and the philosopher and Fields Medal recipient René Thom. In 1993 he founded the International Ontology Congress, sponsored by UNESCO.
He was awarded the Istituto Veneto di Scienze, Lettere ed Arti’s International Prize, and the Anagrama and Espasa non-fiction prizes. In 2013 became member of Jakiunde (Academy of Science, Arts and Letters); in 2015 was awarded Doctor Honoris Causa by the UPV/EHU.
Pinillos Resano, Iñaki
Iñaki Pinillos Resano (Pamplona, 1977). Telecommunications Engineer (Master Degree, Public University of Navarre). Final Degree Project in the Athens University of Economics and Business (Recommentadions Systems, a practical application in SEWEP). Founder of IP Ingenieros and i3i Ingeniería Avanzada, taking part in projects related to Telecommunications, Energy Efficiency, Smart Buildings and Smart Cities. CEO of Nasertic, Navarra de Servicios y Tecnologías, S.A. public inhouse company of Navarre’s Government. Being involved in strategic projects such as Broadband extension and Personalised Medicine. Young member of Jakiunde. Member of the Board of Directors in Autelsi. Member of Board of Directors in APD Navarra.
Alkorta Idiakez, Itziar
(San Sebastian, 1967) is a Permanent Lecturer on Civil Law at the UPV/EHU's School of Law. Her doctoral thesis tackled the regulation of assisted human reproduction (2001). She completed her post-doctoral training at the Hastings Center for Bioethics in NY and the Bioethics Center at the University of Pennsylvania.
She served as Secretary-General of the Basque Studies Society/Eusko Ikaskuntza, Vice-Rector of Innovation and Quality at the UPV/EHU, Secretary of Jakiunde, Academy of Science, Art, and Literature, Deputy Minister of Universities and Research for the Basque Government (2012), and Vice President of the Iura Vasconiae Foundation, where she managed the Basque Private Law collection. She is currently the Director of Summer Courses of the UPV/EHU. She is a corresponding member of Jakiunde.
Tejada, Javier
Professor of Condensed Matter Physics at the University of Barcelona. Member of the Royal Spanish Society of Physics; Catalan Society of Physics; New Academy of Sciences, American Physical Society, and full member of Jakiunde.
Among his scientific achievements: uncovering the first experimental evidence of the tunnelling effect of magnetisation (1992); the discovery of resonant spin tunnelling (1996); the discovery of quantum relaxation in magnets (2006); and quantum tunnelling in type-I superconductors (2011).
Awards: the Narcís de Monturiol Medal (1994); an Honorary Doctorate from New York University (1996); International Xerox Foundation Award (1998); Salva i Campillo Telecommunications Award (2000); Award of Scientific Merit from the Catalan Government (2001), Príncipe de Viana (2006), ICREA Academy of the Catalan Government (2009); National Research Award (2009), and the Medal of the Royal Spanish Society of Physics (2016).
Martínez, Naroa
Naroa Martínez holds a Ph.D. in Psychology from the University of Deusto (Bilbao), where she is now an associate professor at the Psychology Department and works as a postdoctoral researcher at the Experimental Psychology Laboratory Research Group, a high-performance team, as recognized by the Basque Government. Her scientific work focuses on cognitive biases, psycholinguistics, and standardized materials for psychological experiments. She has published several articles in high-impact journals and has presented the results at numerous national and international congresses. She is also interested in the human biases that affect artificial intelligence, having published articles on the subject on science popularization websites. She has also collaborated as an expert in a scientific project of the Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology.
Agudo, Ujué
Ujué Agudo holds a PhD in Psychology from Deusto University (Bilbao), where she is now a postdoctoral researcher at the Experimental Psychology Laboratory Research Group. She is also a researcher at the Bikolabs laboratory of the technology consulting firm Biko (Pamplona). Her research interests include the influence of algorithms on human decisions, technology, and human biases and behavior. She has published several articles in high-impact journals and has presented the results at numerous national and international congresses. Agudo has also a professional career as an expert in user experience. She combines her research activity with science popularization and teaching, being a speaker at technology events and an associate professor at the University of Navarra and the Universitat Oberta de Catalunya.
Matute, Helena
Helena Matute holds a PhD in Psychology and is a Professor of Experimental Psychology at Deusto University (Bilbao), where she is the principal investigator of the Experimental Psychology Laboratory Research Group, recognised by the Basque Government as a high-performance team. She has supervised 13 doctoral theses and has delivered seminars and lectures at several national and foreign universities. Her research interests include learning, memory, cognitive biases, and the relationship between humans and technology. She has published numerous research articles in high impact journals and several books. Matute has been the president of the Spanish Society of Experimental Psychology and a member of the Scientific Advisory Board of FECYT (Spanish Foundation for Science and Technology). Her work has been recognized with the Prisma and the JotDown-DIPC awards. She is a full member of Jakiunde.
Errea, Ion
PhD in Physics from the University of the Basque Country (2011). Post-doctoral researcher at the Pierre and Marie Curie University in Paris and the Donostia International Physics Centre (DIPC). Shortlisted for the 2015 Volker Heine Young Investigator Award, selected Emerging Leader by the Journal of Physics: Condensed Matter. He is a member of Jakiunde.
Since 2018, he has led the research group on Quantum Theory of Materials at the Centre for Material Physics (CSIC-UPV/EHU). He is a non-tenured professor in the Department of Applied Physics (UPV/EHU), and associate researcher at the DIPC.
He leads the ERC-funded Starting Grant project titled Discovery and Characterization of Hydrogen-Based High-Temperature Superconductors. His research has been published in prestigious scientific journals including Nature, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, Nano Letters and Physical Review Letters.
García-Lekue, Aran
Aran Garcia-Lekue (Zornotza, Bizkaia, 1975). Ikerbasque Researcher at the Donostia International Physics Center (DIPC). Holds a degree in Physical Sciences (Extraordinary Prize, 1998) and a PhD in Material Science and Engineering (European PhD, 2003) from UPV/EHU. Postdoctoral researcher at the University of Liverpool (UK) and at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (LBNL) in Berkeley (USA). In 2007, she joined the DIPC, in 2012 became an Ikerbasque Researcher. She is involved in international collaborations and has been a Mercator Fellow at the University of Kiel in Germany. In 2018, her research group participated in a project on nanoporous graphene which won third place in the Cutting-edge Science Awards (Premio Vanguardia de la Ciencia) 2018, and was selected as Molecule of the Year 2018 by the American Chemical Society (ACS). She is a corresponding member of Jakiunde.
Bustince, Humberto
Humberto Bustince (1958, Ujué, Navarre). Bachelor’s Degree in Physics from the University of Salamanca and PhD in Mathematics from the Public University of Navarre (UPNA). He is Professor of Computer Science and Artificial Intelligence at UPNA, honorary professor at the University of Nottingham and member of the Smart Cities, Navarra Biomed and IDISNA. He is founder and head of the Research Group on Artificial Intelligence and Approximate Reasoning at UPNA.
He received the award for the best work published in the IEEE Transactions on Fuzzy Systems magazine (2013), the research prize from UPNA (2015). He is a fellow of the International Fuzzy Systems Association (IFSA); and was awarded the Cross of Charles III the Noble, granted by the Government of Navarre (2017), and he is a recipient of the National Prize on Computer Science, awarded by the Computer Science Society of Spain and the BBVA Foundation (2019). He is a full member of Jakiunde.
Arganda, Ignacio
Ignacio Arganda (Madrid, 1980). BSc in Computer Engineering and European PhD in Computer Engineering and Telecommunications by the Autonomous University of Madrid, he received an Extraordinary Doctorate Award (2009). He took postdoctoral studies at the Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT (2009-2013) and at the Jean-Pierre Bourgin Institute of the Institut National de la Recherche Agronomique, Versailles (2013-2015).
PhD research stays at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory in Berkeley (California, 2002-2004), at the Centre for Machine Perception of the Technical University of Prague (2005) and at the Applied Medical Research Centre of the University of Navarra in Pamplona (2006). He has worked as a consultant for the Max Planck Institute of Cellular Biology and Genetics in Dresden (2009) and for the Institute of Neuroinformatics in Zurich (2009).
Ikerbasque Research Fellow at the Dept. of Computer Science and AI of the UPV/EHU since 2015, and young corresponding member of Jakiunde.