After years of working on this project, the proposal Towards a Framework of Clarity was presented in the European Parliament on 14 June.
The project was based on the foundations laid at the congress held in the framework of the first centenary of Eusko Ikaskuntza in 2018. Together with the Institut d 'Estudis Catalans, Eusko Ikaskuntza undertook to work on the issue of contemporary territorial conflicts in a multifaceted way. Thanks to the cooperative governance on which it has been based, bringing together civil society, academia and institutions, in 2020 the main conclusion of the work carried out in previous years came to light: the document of the bases for the resolution of sovereignty conflicts in the European framework. Although the drafting of the text, which has had the contribution of more than 80 experts from different countries, has had different milestones, several public conferences have been held in recent months: the presentation at the United Nations Minorities Forum, the academic seminar at the Complutense University of Madrid, the conference at the Palacio de Miramar and the presentation of the document of the basic in Santiago de Compostela.
The Miramar Palace initiative was organised in collaboration with the Renew Europe and The Left groups in the European Parliament. Thanks to their invitation, Zelai Nikolas and Jon Azkune, members of the Scientific Team, had the opportunity to participate in the seminar organised in Brussels on 14 June. There, along with the presentation of the report of the main contents worked on in Miramar, they also had the opportunity to present the basic document. After that, they discussed and exchanged views with parliamentarians from different countries. In addition to the warm welcome they received from the latter, it is worth noting that from now on they expressed their willingness to discuss and work on the content of the initiative in greater depth.