Reflections on Italian Parliamentary System
Sumario = Summary
La Première histoire du Parlement Français
Garrigues, Jean
Exploring Resilience Patterns amongst National Minorities: Fromt he Historical Representative Assemblies (1812-1877) to the Basque Parliament (1980)
Agirreazkuenaga Zigorraga, Joseba
The Scottish Parliament and the"Westminster Model": A Decade of Law-Making at the Scottish Parliament (1999-2009)
McGrath, Peter
Power versus Representation? The Making of the European Parliament
Guerrieri, Sandro
Parliaments in Latin America: Transatlantic Political Culture and Parliamentary Institutions
Rezende Martins, Estevão de
Contributions of the International Commission for the History of Representative and Parliamentary Institutions (ICHRPI) to the Debate on Methodology
Corciulo, Maria Sofia
Agirreazkuenaga Zigorraga, Joseba
Analytic Summary
The Biographical Dictionaries in Europe
Urquijo, Mikel
Introduction to Political Representation in Spanish Parliamentary History
Sierra, María
Notes on contributors