The deadline for admission of candidatures for the Eusko Ikaskuntza-LABORAL Kutxa 2024 Award in its two modalities ends on April 7.
Since 1995, the Eusko Ikaskuntza-LABORAL Kutxa Award has recognized the best curricula in the areas of Humanities, Culture, Arts and Social Sciences and their contribution to the development of Vasconia. Candidacies can be submitted either in a personal capacity or by university, scientific and cultural entities. The evaluating jury is made up of the presidents of the two granting entities and representatives of the Basque Universities. A single prize is awarded for an amount of 20,000 euros.
Consult bases and palms.
On the other hand, for the sixth consecutive year, the Eusko Ikaskuntza-LABORAL Kutxa Gazte Saria is being held for jobs developed by young people under 35 years of age in the same areas as the previous one. The jury will assess the suitability of the proposal, its innovative nature, its current relevance and future projection, the use of Basque and the gender perspective. The amount of the prize is 6,000 euros.
Consult bases and palms.
In both cases, the deadline for accepting proposals ends on April 7.
(Traduction with