International specialists in social innovation, work organization, technological humanities and participatory democracy will offer the framework presentations of the Eusko Ikaskuntza Congress scheduled for the month of October around the motto Elkartzen Gaituena / What unites us / Ce qui nous unit.
On October 2, 3 and 4, 2024, the XIX Basque Studies Congress organized by Eusko Ikaskuntza will be held at the Europa Conference Center in Vitoria-Gasteiz.
As expressed in its motto, Elkartzen Gaituena / What unites us / Ce qui nous unit, the Congress aspires to create the conditions for a Social Contract around the policies and/or decisions that must be implemented in favor of of the social and territorial cohesion of Euskal Herria. By activating collective capacities, we will seek to reach broad consensus and develop concrete proposals in the socio-economic, social and territorial spheres.
The XIX Congress of Basque Studies is open to the participation of those who work or feel the commitment to strengthening the cohesion of Euskal Herria: citizens, specialists, social agents, institutional representatives and academic staff.
The first session, on October 2, will be dedicated to the socio-economic model and the well-being society. The opening conference will be given by Hilary Cottam, professor at the Institute of Innovation and Public Purpose at University College London and author of the book Radical Help (2018). A reference in the innovation of social programs, it has been recognized for having changed national narratives and practices around social assistance. In 2019 he received the Order of the British Empire for his contributions to the Welfare State.
That same day, Mª Angeles Durán, doctor in Political and Economic Sciences, research professor at the CSIC and collaborator with the UN, will also speak. She was the first woman to obtain a professorship in Sociology in Spain. He has published more than three hundred works on paid and unpaid work, use of time, inequality, urban planning and health. He has the National Research Award for Social, Economic and Legal Sciences, and the National Award for Sociology and Political Science.
The day's program will be completed with a presentation by Andoni Eizagirre Eizagirre (Mondragon Unibertsitatea) and three round tables. The first round table, moderated by Jon Barrutia, will focus on the bases for a transition towards a fair and equitable socioeconomic model, and will have the participation of Alberto Ansuategi (Basque Government), Edurne Magro Montero (Orkestra) and Te Rojo Aparicio edge (UPV/ EHU). The second round table, moderated by Izaskun Go i Razquin, will discuss the Future of work and well-being policies, with the participation of Rafael Bustillo (University of Salamanca), Leire Gartzia (Deusto Business School) and Tom s Arrieta Heras. The third round table, moderated by Mercedes Oleaga P ramo, will focus on Sustainability and intergenerational solidarity, with the participation of Itziar Aguado Moralejo (UPV/EHU), Javier Bur n Cuadrado (NASUVINSA) and Concepci n Patxot (Universitat de Barcelona).
The event on October 3 will be opened by Lola S. Almendros, from the Institute of Science and Technology Studies of the University of Salamanca. Doctor in Logic and Philosophy of Science, her research is aimed at the epistemic and sociopolitical problems associated with information and communication technologies, as well as Artificial Intelligence. She is the author, together with Javier Echeverra, of the book Tecnoexistir: Tecnopersonas. How technologies transform us (2021).
Subsequently, leaders and members of the research groups will present the conclusions and proposals of four work programs developed within Eusko Ikaskuntza during recent years: Basque identity(ies) in the 21st century: objective 2050 ; Basque Educational System; Cultural rights, participation policies and governance; and GizarteLab %u2014 Social Innovation Laboratory . The session will be completed with a creative reflection by Kukai Dantza Taldea.
The territory, its balance and its conflicts, will be the object of reflection on the third and last day, October 4. The keynote presentation will be given by Cristina Lafont, PhD in Philosophy from the University of Frankfurt and Lebowitz Prize for Philosophical Achievement and Contribution awarded in 2022 by the American Philosophical Association. She is currently a professor at Northwestern University (United States). Among other books, he has published Democracy without shortcuts. A participatory conception of deliberative democracy (2021), Global Governance and Human Rights (2021) or Language and Openness of the World (1997).
Three other Eusko Ikaskuntza programs will be the subject of exhibitions and round tables: Territorial balance %u2014 Academy of Small Towns; Management of territorial sovereignty conflicts in Europe ; and Euskal Herria living territory, border territory.