A Arte Rupestre e o Parque Arqueológico do Vale de Côa. Um exemplo de estudo e salvaguarda do património rupestre pré-histórico em Portugal

Baptista, António Martinho
- Publication year:
- 2002
- Publication place:
- Donostia-San Sebastián
- 84-8419-907-X
The Archaeological Park of the Valley of Cõa was set up in August 1996. It was the result of the discovery in region of open-air Palaeolithic art and of the decision to discontinue the constructionof a dike, the waters of which were to submerge all of the most meaningful cave-art findings. The Park, in addition to promoting the study of cave art, became the most important factor of the development of this region of the economically depressed interior of Portugal.Sing up and download the publications of Eusko Ikaskuntza
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