Análisis de las páginas Web de los clubes deportivos profesionales de la Comunidad Autónoma Vasca

Mediatika. Cuadernos de Medios de Comunicación, 14 [on line]

Genaut Arratibel, Aingeru
; Iturregui, Leire
; Mendiguren Galdospin, Terese
; Peña Fernández, Simón
; Pérez, Jesús Ángel

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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This research present s an analysis of the websites of professional sport s clubs in the Basque Community. Through content analysis, this study describes the communication models of the Websites of the the major types of sport s. The aim of this work is to understand the online resources used by these sites (such as social networks, blogs, video chat s, etc) and measure the degree of effectiveness with is used this important tool in communication between the club and sport s supporters.
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