Aramaioko Lore Jokoak = Juegos Florales de Aramaio 1899

Author[s]: Uribarrena, Pedro ; Iñigo de los Ríos, Anunciación
- Publication year:
- 1999
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- 84-8419-977-0
The intense friendship between Resurrección María de Azkue and Vicente Goikoetxea, both living in Lekeitio and this son of the village of Aramaio, made it possible for the Lore Jokoak to be held in this latter emplacement instead of in Azkue, his place of birth. After serious problems with the town council of Aramaio, the final organiser of the event, as it was not possible to sing the mass requested and written for this purpose, two very animated festive days were held with a considerable participation of the people of Mondragón. Once the festivities had been concluded, there were also problems in the payment of the subsidy from the widow of Antoine dAbbadie. In the Vicente Goikoetxea?s existing documentation these problems were never reflected, probably due to his character.
ARAMAIOKO LORE JOKOAK 1899. Alkatearen agurra. Hitzaurrea. Sarrera. Aramaio 1899an. Aramaioko Lore Jokoak. Aramaio Iraileko 9an eta 10ean. Antolatzaileekin arazoak. Eranskina: saritutako olerkiak. Erabilitako iturriak.Aramaioko Lore Jokoen mendeurrena. ALBUM FOTOGRÁFICO. JUEGOS FLORALES DE ARAMAIO 1899. Saludo del alcalde. Prólogo. Introducción. Aramaio en 1899. Los Juego Florales en Aramaio. Aramaio 9 y 10 de Septiembre. Problemas con la organización.- Anexo: Poesías Premiadas. Fuentes utilizadas. Centenario de los Juego Florales en Aramaio.