Fuentes Documentales Medievales del País Vasco

Archivo General de Navarra. Sección de Comptos. Registros Nº 3 y 4#104

Archivo General de Navarra. Sección de Comptos. Registros Nº 3 y 4#104

Author[s]: Pescador Medrano, Aitor; Segura Urra, Félix

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Volume no. 104 of the Collection of Fuentes Documentales Medievales del País Vasco (Medieval Document Sources in the Basque Country), contains the transcription of records no. 3 and no. 4 of the General Archives of Navarre. Each one of the records is preceded by an introduction written by their respective authors, in which they analyse their most important formal and content characteristics. Record no. 3 is compilation of notebooks of the general accounts of the Kingdom of Navarre, corresponding to several years of 13th and 14th centuries. In this occasion, only the notebooks from the 13th century, from 1286 to 1298, have been selected. Record no. 4 is the logical continuation of the series of records of accounts already published in this same collection, and corresponds in its integrity to 1290. The piece is formed by the notebooks sent by the agents of each one of the administrative districts of the kingdom, and contains abundant information on the invoicing process of the general accounts. The volume concludes with "proper name indices" corresponding to each one of the records transcribed, also drawn up by their respective authors.




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