Fuentes Documentales Medievales del País Vasco

Archivo Municipal de Elgoibar (1346-1520)

Archivo Municipal de Elgoibar (1346-1520)

Author[s]: Ayerbe Iríbar, Mª Rosa [et al.]

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This edition covers the documents preserved in the Municipal Archives of Elgoibar from 1346 to 1513. It begins with the bill of population granted by Alfonso XI on 20th December 1346 to those who came from Marquina and Mendaro and who wanted to populate the countryside of Elgoibar, benefiting from then on from the jurisdiction of Logroño under the name of Villamayor de Marquina. This edition then continues with a copious municipal documentation on quarrels raised with neighbouring and private councils on the use of fields and pastures. It also includes disputes between the neighbours from outside the town ramparts with those living in the town on equal exercise of public responsibilities and on the right to control their own supplies. There is also documentation on the arrangement made with one of their neighbours when including his house within the limits of their ramparts. The provincial documentation is also of considerable importance, especially the perpetual sales tax privileges and privileges of registered scribes in Gipuzkoa.




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