Azkue: gizona eta garaia

Resurrección María de Azkue: euskal kulturaren erraldoia eta funtsezko zutabea

Arana Martija, José Antonio

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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His father was a poet and his mother knew about popular culture, and he himself learnt a lot from both. Lekeitio, the village in which he was born, constitutes the axis of this article. In it, reference is made to the local musicians and their musical environment. In connection with the professorship in Basque ; language, mention is also made to Unamuno and Arana. Reference is also made to writers from Iparralde. The research and publications carried out by Azkue are ; also analysed, as is the work he carried out as founder of Euskaltzaindia, the ; Academy of the Basque Language. This is but a humble homage in the 50th anniversary of his death.
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