Azkue gramatikalari

Resurrección María de Azkue: euskal kulturaren erraldoia eta funtsezko zutabea

Laka, Itziar

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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Azkue was the axis of the process of unification of the Basque language as from the beginning of his work up until his death: first in the unification of the ; Biskaian dialect and, later, as a result of the foundation of Euskaltzaindia in ; 1919, in the unification of the Basque language. I will deal with the beginning to ; this trajectory, with Euskal Izkindea, grammar treatise published in 1891, and ; with the success thereinafter attained by the proposals published there. In the ; models of written Biskaian developed as from the end of the 19th century to the ; mid 20th century, Azkue´s influence appears everywhere, both among the purists and among popular writers.
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