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XV Basque Studies Congress: Donostia-Baiona 2001. SBasque Science and culture and computer networks

Navarro, Mikel

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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In this motion, a revision is made of recent literature on National Systems of Innovation, concentrating, first, on the context in which this approach appears. Secondly, on the problems that exist in the definition of its components (organisations and institutions), in the concept of innovation and learning and in the functions and limitations of such systems to devise a general theory on the matter. Thirdly, mention is made of the difficulties that exist to carry out an empirical analysis in this field. Finally, exploiting unpublished data on the Autonomous Community of the Basque Country and Navarre from the INE innovation survey, an analysis is made of the R+D projects carried out in corporation with innovating companies (their number, what areas they are carried out in, and with what partners). Such data are compared with those offered for Spain and the European Union by the INE and Eurostat.
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