Billabona-Amasako Udal Artxiboa. Beterriko herriaren folklorea XVII-XX mende artean

Cuadernos de Sección. Folklore

Quijera, José Antonio

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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This study is the result of the analysis of information collected from the municipal archives in Villabona, in particular from the "Books of Sessions", "Records of Sessions" and "Feast and Entertainments". The material gathered covers the period from the 17th to the beginning of the 20th century. Among other aspects of this Guipuzcoan village´s folklore, information about sword dances and display of arms, goose sacrifices, carnivals, and so on have been collected. The study also gathers information about the local or foreign musicians who were in charge of the musical accompaniment at the aforementioned rituals and at the balls on feast days. Finally, two documents until now unedited are brought forward. The first of these is a hand-written letter from I. Zubasti, dated 1897, containing information about the state of the traditional culture in Villabona after the end of the 19th century ; the second is the programme sheet made by the J.L. Pujana led dance group in 1900, presenting the repertoire of this Zaldibian dance group.
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