Naturzale. Cuadernos de Ciencias Naturales
Biología y Gestión de Colúmbidos silvestres. II Coloquio Internacional = Biologie et la Gestion des Colombins Sauvages. II Coloque International
Author[s]: Amezaga, Ibone... [et al.]
- Publication year:
- 2001
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- 84-8419-942-8
- 1137-8603
The present volume collects 18 communications presented in the II International Meeting on Biology and Management of Wild Pigeons and Doves, held in San Sebastian in December 2000. The International Working Group on Wildlife Research (Grupo Internacional de Investigación sobre la Fauna Silvestre GIIFS) adopted the initiative to hold such a meeting, while the direct organisation corresponded to the Gipuzkoan Hunting Federation. The objective of the II Colloquy was to establish a framework for the exhibition and discussion of reviews, experiences and original research in such fields as migration, hibernation, reproductive populations, and ecology, dove and turtledove management. In view of the various initiatives developed in Europe, the participants came to certain conclusions on the importance of developing channels for the exchange of information. This would be the first phase of what would become a co-ordinated system to harmonise the lines of research and measures of management and control of hunting activity on migrant fowl. The continuity and deepening of monitoring actions during the annual cycle will allow us to obtain reliable information on evolutionary trends, while the advances in self-ecology will facilitate the interpretation of the factors implied therein.Articles
- Analytic Summary
- AMEZAGA ARREGI, Ibone Sarrera = Introducción = Introduction = Introduction
- Egitaraua= Programa= Program
- USARRAGA, José María Aurkezpena = Presentación = Prèsentation
- BEITIA, Richard ; CLOUTE, Mary-Line ; DAGUERRE, Lionel ; MENDIOLA, Iñigo Observation de la migration transpyrénéene des Colombidés de 1999/2000
- BONNEFFILLE, Michel Etude de la migration palombe en Dordogne. Impact de la chasse en palombières
- RECARTE, Jacques Suivi de la migration de la Palombe en plaine dans le sud-ouest de la France
- RECARTE, Jacques Pigeons and Doves in Latvia
- BANKOVICS, Attila Status of wild Pigeons and Doves in Hungary
- SVAZAS, Saulius Population status of Pigeons and Doves in the Eastern Baltic Region
- BANKOVICS, Attila The migration of Wood Pigeon (Columba palumbus) and Turtle Dove (Streptopelia turtur) in Hungary
- BELLOT, Fréderic ; BONNEVILLE, Remy ; SABATHÉ, François Suivi de l´hivernage des Palombes (Columba palumbus) dans une zone agricole du sud-ouest de la France
- BEA SÁNCHEZ, Antonio ; FERNÁNDEZ, José María Censo y distribución de los efectivos de Paloma Torcaz Columba palumbus invernantes en la Península Ibérica
- MARRACCI, Massimo Les chasseurs Italiens et le Pigeon ramier: recherches et gestion
- LAFFLY, Dominique Utilisation de la photo-interprétation par satellite pour le calcul de la potentialité d´accueil de l´environnement pour le Pigeon Ramier dans une zone d´hivernage
- WERNO, Jérôme Méthode préliminaire pour le suivi télémétrique du Pigeon Ramier(Columba palumbus)en hivernage
- LUQUET, Jacques Evolution de la chasse aux pantières dans les Pyrénées
- HIDALGO, Sebastián J. ; ROCHA, Gregorio Incidencia del uso de reclamos alimenticios sobre la Tórtola Común
- HIDALGO, Sebastián J. ; ROCHA, Gregorio Valoración de la presión cinegética sobre la Tórtola Común en Extremadura
- ARNAUDUC, Jean Pierre ; AUBINEAU, Jacky ; BOUTIN, Jean Marie ; LORMÉE, Hervé Enquete nationale sur les tableaux dechasse à tir en France, saison 1998-1999: Le Pigeon Ramier (Columba palumbus)
- CORDEIRO, Mario ; SANTOS, Emidio ; TAVARES, Jorge Suivi de la réproduction des Tourtereles des Bois au Portugal Continental
- Partehartzaileak = Asistentes = Participants