Cibercultura en tiempos de pandemia: Aceleración y retroceso en la adaptación digital

Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV, 65, 1-2

Díaz Noci, Javier

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BIBLID [0212-7016 (2020), 65, 1-2: 12-33]

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This article, written as an essay, deals about the many implications that the new SARCoV- 2 virus poses for cyberculture, and which might be its future. As the concept of culture, cyberculture, or culture for the digital networks –and most especially, the World Wide Web– is a rather flexible concept, in which many practices, values and manifestations are included. The background of cyberculture is a set of ideas often exposed as neutral, unavoidable or technologically determined. Examined with some detail, those ideologies have implications for governance, global economy, inequality and the everyday life of people. The global epidemic has brought out to which extent some tendencies have been accelerated in cyberspace –the real global place in a world, the physical one, with mobility problems due to the health emergency- whilst other tendencies, on the other hand, have n their weaknesses.


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