Clasificación tipológica de los primeros palacios del País Vasco

Errenazimenduko Artearen Berrikusketa = Revisión del Arte del Renacimiento = Rèvision de l

González Cembellín, Juan Manuel
; Santana Ezquerra, Alberto

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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During the first third of the 16th century, the refined residential architecture in the Basque Country undergoes a confusing transitional period in which very heterogeneous models and formal references coexist. Due to this confusion, some of the most traditional palaces built up in this period, such as Loyola, Susunaga, Jauregizar, Isturitzaga, Ubilla, Aranguren, etc. have been wrongly considered to be medieval fortified towers becoming separated from other contemporary palaces that had already started to assimilate foreign architectural trends, such as Basozabal, Bendaña, Igartza, Floreaga, Salinas, etc. Following a constructive historical analysis we propose a complete picture of all of them, revising some classical attributions, suggesting new chronologies and classifying them in various types.
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