Correspondencia diplomática italiana y Guerra Civil en el País Vasco : (París febrero-agosto 1937)

Cuadernos de Sección. Historia-Geografía

Meer, Fernando de

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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The aim of this research was the study of the correspondence of the Italian Embassy in Paris concerning civil war in the Basque Country, and possible conversations for a Vatican mediation in order to make peace in Euskadi. Ample documentation from the collections of the Archivio Storico of the Italian State Department has been revised. There are only two documents referring to our hypothesis, which let us guess that José María de Izaurieta discretly began to inquire into the Holy See´s good disposition to support a mediation. A documental void between March and August 1937 calls our attention ; this makes us hypothesize that the activity of the Nunciatura in Paris for a vatican mediation to make peace in Euskadi took place in three specific months: February, March and May 1937. This exhaustive research led us to find other documents like the collection called: "Negotiations for the Basque surrender", wich contains important documentation concerning those negotiations that preceded the capitulation of the Basque batallions at Santoña
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