"De mi querido pueblo": vasquidad y vasquismo en la producción ; musical de Pablo Sorozábal (1897-1988)

Música y creación actual = Gaurko musika eta sorkuntza

Lerena, Mario

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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This is an analysis of the imprint that, in an explicit, tacit or conflictive manner, composer Pablo Sorozábal Mariezkurrena´s Basque roots contribute in the development of his career as a composer. In spite of the fact that his catalogue appears to be divided into apparently irreconcilable facets, the global revision there of reveals important points of contact between all his creations, including certain unpublished projects which we now reveal here. Therefore, the need to adapt to the circumstances of the society, like society in the Basque Country in the 20th century -incontinuous transformation- is a basic factor to understand the work by this author.
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