Denboraren antolaketa eta introiekzioaren bilaketa Tai Chi Chuan-ean

Jokoak, Kirolak eta Folklore-Ikerketa. Jardunaldiak. Basauri, 2008 / Juegos, Deportes e Investigación Folclórica. Jornadas. Basauri, 2008

Romaratezabala Aldasoro, Estibaliz

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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This research is based on the field work carried out by the author during a ; period of 20 months at the Tai Chi Chuan school that goes by the name "Bushï Te ; Shoreï" in Legazpi (Gipuzkoa). In this ethnographical work the researcher immerses ; herself in the group as a participant under the direction of the instructor. In this study an analysis is made of the organization of time in Tai Chi. Various units of time have been observed in the sessions: accountancy by imitation, numeric accountancy, quantity of breaths, fixed time and maximum endurance, among others. By using these units in time management the instructor puts his disciples on the road to introjection.
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