Eusko Ikaskuntza-Laboral Kutxa Prize of Humanities, Culture, Arts and Social Sciences
Discursos del Acto de entrega del premio 2005 Eusko Ikaskuntza-Caja Laboral de Humanidades y Ciencias Sociales otorgado a D. Nestor Basterretxea

Author[s]: AA.VV.
- Publication year:
- 2005
- Publication place:
- Donostia
- 84-8419-018-8
- DOI:
Eusko Ikaskuntza-Basque Studies Society and Caja Laboral at this damaged a prize, the objective of which is to distinguish active personalities with a noteworthy curriculum within the Basque Country, in the field of Humanities, Culture, the Arts and Social Sciences, the latter being understood in the widest possible sense. The global work of the person rewarded must have contributed in an effective way to the scientific development of Vasconia. The Eusko Ikaskuntza - Caja Laboral prize intends to encourage the value of excellence in modus operandi and in the results of the research of the scientific community that works in university departments and institutes or in scientific and cultural institutions in the Basque Country.