Educación y escuelas de barriada de Vizcaya, 1937-1939: (su traspaso al Estado y deterioro de la enseñanza)

Revista Internacional de los Estudios Vascos. RIEV : Julio Caro Barojari Omenaldia. 31, 3

Arrien Berrojaechevarria, Gregorio

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Donostia-San Sebastián

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The local schools were created by the Diputation of Bizkaia and they were conceived as real Basque schools and they enjoyed considerable popular support. On account of the war, they were assigned to the State and thus lost part of this support. There was a new school management that reaffirmed the ideological value of the State, emphasizing religious, patriotic and moral principles. As a consequence of this, schools suffered a great setback, especially between 1939 and 1949
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