El bertsolarismo : una tradición oral transitada por el género-sexo

Cuadernos de Sección. Historia-Geografía

Larrañaga Odriozola, Carmen

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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As we shall see inn the pages that follow, traditions, as is the case with bertsolaritza, aren taken as representatives of the societies to which they belong. In order to be more precise it is necessary to say that most traditions reproduce the divisions and hierarchies of the cultures to which they bear witness. A good example of what will be argued here is to be found in bertsolaritza, for this tradition is a priviledged witness of the most determinant division that occurs in our society: sexual division. In spite of the fact that bertsolaritza is part of the Basque cultural heritage, the knowledge that allows its transmision and the techniques that make possible its practice are unequally distributed between the sexes. This tradition have kept women in the role of transmiter, while men are the protagonists and creators. The distribution has not been free from tensions nor has it been achieved without the application of santions. The final outcome is that bertsolaritza reaches us as a masculine tradition. The story, of course, is somewhat more complex
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