El enfrentamiento entre la cofradía de mulateros de Álava y Durango, a fines del siglo XV

Tokiko historiaz II. Ihardunaldiak: gatazka eta gizarteaz = II Jornadas de historia local: sociedad y conflicto

Hoz Díaz de Alda, María Carmen de la

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Donostia-San Sebastián

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In our work we have tried to show some aspects of the situation of transport and trade in the Middle Ages from a social point of view. This has been done by studying the conflict between the Council of Durango and San Anton´s union of muleteers of Alava. This conflict was solved in a litigation in which we can see both part´s demands. The local authorities were interested in proteting the provisionment of the town and in developing the market. The union of muleteers, on the other hand, defended the free sale of their products. But the case mentioned above cannot be studied in isolation, for It´s part of the general conflict which affected transport in the Late Middle Ages. This made even more difficult the development of trade in this period
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