El modelo de enseñanza como ecosistema o Las condiciones contextuales de la calidad de la educación

La calidad de la educación = Hezkuntzaren kalitatea = La qualité de l

Frabboni, Franco

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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A recognised socio-pedagogue who was has been concerned for some time about the impact of socio-cultural transformations on schools, Franco Frabboni conceives the formative system (SF=school and formation) as a complex field of interactive forces. SF is therefore a triangle, the sides of which are formal education (the school), non-formal education (out-of-school institutions with the intention to educate, from the family to cultural associations) and informal education (out-of-school institutions with no precise intention to educate, such as the media and the enormous possibilities of the cultural market). This being, the quality of education depends on the correct balance of these vectors
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