El Monumento de Semana Santa de Santa María de Bermeo (Bizkaia)

Revisión del Arte Neoclásico y Romántico = Arte Neoklasiko eta Erromantikoaren berrikuspena = Révision de l

Zorrozua Santisteban, Julen

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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The Easter monument that, originating from the church of Santa María in Bermeo, custodied in the Diocesan Museum of Holy Art/Eleiz Museoa in Bilbao is the only example of this type of ephemeral architectures that have resisted up to the present day in a more or less complete state in Bizkaia. Its analysis has allowed us to gain a more rigorous knowledge of this type of accomplishments and their authors. It also contributes to a greater knowledge of the Neo-classical painting carried out within our territory. Attempts have been made to attribute the authorship of this work. The authorship by painter Luis Paret y Alacázar, who some scholars had pointed to due to the quality of its mock Bermean architecture, has now been discarded.
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