El neolítico final y el calcolítico en Cantabria

Primeros agricultores y ganaderos en el Cantábrico y Alto Ebro = Lehen nekazariak eta abeltzainak Kantauri aldean eta Goialdeko Ebron = Premiers Agriculteurs et eleveurs dans la region Cantabrique et de l

Ontañón Peredo, Roberto

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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The aim of this paper is to present the results of the research we have carried out to this day in regard to the phases of the Recent Prehistory that (using the traditional terminology of culture-historical subdivisions) covers the Final Neolithic and Chalcolitic periods in Cantabrian Spain. We have initiated our work by studying the cultural evidences that exist in the archaelogical record of Cantabria, of which this note is a synthesis.
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