El Olentzero en el Valle de Baztán

Olentzeroren tradizioa Lesaka eta Euskal Herriko Eguberrietan = La tradición de Olentzero en la Navidad de Lesaka y Euskal Herria

Trinkado Uranga, Larraitz

Publication year:
Publication place:
Donostia-San Sebastián

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The Olentzero that appeared in 1973 in Baztan, curiously did so in the Police Station that had then existed in Town Hall building since 1936 to the nineteen-seventies. This happened thanks to the collaboration of the euskaltzale Mariano Izeta Elizalde, and Pedro Ansorena and Iñaki Gorostidi, both from San Sebastian. The Parrish association of Elizondo requested the corresponding permit from the authorities. The money raised was given to the Baztan Ikastola, which is the entity that now organises the event.
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